Wednesday, June 7, 2023

How Pakistani establishment has controlled and looted Pakistan for 75 years?


 Pakistani Establishment history and their role in looting and controlling the country

Since Pakistan's freedom in 1947, the foundation plays had a critical impact in molding the nation's political and monetary strategies. However, the country has frequently experienced military coups and interventions due to political instability and weak democratic institutions.

The tactical foundation, specifically, has been a predominant power in Pakistani legislative issues, frequently assuming direct command over the public authority through upsets or applying impact from in the background. Dissent has been alleged to be suppressed, media freedom restricted, and democratic institutions undermined by the establishment.

Corruption and resource theft have also been alleged against the establishment. However, such allegations may be influenced by political biases and are frequently difficult to prove.

Pakistan has made progress over the past few years in reducing the influence of the establishment and strengthening its democratic institutions. But the establishment still has a lot of power and influence, and its role in shaping Pakistan's future is still up for debate and debate.

The impact of the Pakistani establishment on its people 

One of the most significant effects that the establishment has had on the people of Pakistan is the suppression of dissent and the restriction of freedom of expression. A culture of fear and intimidation has developed as a result of the military establishment's frequent use of its authority to silence political opposition. Columnists and news sources that report on delicate issues are much of the time designated by the foundation, prompting self-restriction and an absence of straightforwardness. The country's democratic institutions have suffered as a result of this.

In addition, corruption in Pakistani society has been alleged to be maintained by the establishment. In Pakistan, corruption is widespread, and the establishment has frequently been accused of facilitating it by concealing and shielding corrupt officials. A culture of impunity has developed as a result, where powerful individuals can engage in corrupt behavior without fear of repercussions. The country's economy has suffered as a result of this because corruption prevents investment and wastes public funds.

Moreover, the foundation's strategies adversely affect common liberties in Pakistan. Human rights abuses have been alleged against the military, particularly in Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. A culture of impunity has developed as a result of the intelligence agencies' alleged involvement in extrajudicial killings and forced disappearances. A climate of fear and instability has been created as a result of these actions, particularly for marginalized communities.

The establishment has had some positive effects on Pakistani society, despite these negative effects. In particular in response to natural disasters like earthquakes and floods, the military has played a significant role in disaster relief and humanitarian assistance. The foundation plays likewise had an impact in keeping up with Pakistan's security, especially corresponding to psychological oppression and radicalism.

What is the reason for the country's establishment dominance?

The country's long history of military rule is one of the main reasons the establishment has control. Pakistan has experienced multiple military coups and direct military rule since its independence in 1947, fostering a culture in which the military views itself as the ultimate protector of the country's interests. The military views civilian politicians and institutions as corrupt and ineffective as a result of this culture.

Additionally, the military's control over the country is significantly influenced by their economic interests. In Pakistan, the military owns numerous businesses, including real estate and manufacturing. The military now has a significant stake in the economy and the ability to influence political decisions as a result of this financial power. The United States has also given the military economic and military aid, which has given it more resources and power.

Another crucial aspect of the military's long-term hold on power is their command of Pakistan's security forces. The military is answerable for the nation's guard and inner security, and it has frequently utilized this ability to impact political choices. The military has additionally been engaged with smothering homegrown distress in regions, for example, Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, which has given them more impact over the nation's administration and governmental issues.

In addition, the establishment has justified its control over the country by posing the threat of external security concerns. Terrorism and tensions with India are just two of the many security issues Pakistan faces. The military has utilized these difficulties to contend that it is the main organization fit for safeguarding Pakistan's inclinations, further solidifying its command over the nation's administration.

How Pakistani Establishment started to intervene in Pakistan?


Establishments have been involved in Pakistani politics since the country's inception in 1947. From the beginning, Pakistan's military was heavily involved in its political life. In 1958, General Ayub Khan overthrew Prime Minister Feroz Khan Noon's elected government, which was Pakistan's first military coup.

General Yahya Khan took power in 1969 and remained in power until 1971, following a brief period of civilian rule. Pakistan was dived into a nationwide conflict during Yahya Khan's system, which prompted the withdrawal of East Pakistan (presently Bangladesh).

The military recovered power in 1977 when General Zia-ul-Haq toppled the chosen administration of Top state leader Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Zia-ul-Haq managed until his passing in a plane accident in 1988.

Even though there have been a number of civilian governments in Pakistan since then, the military continues to have a significant impact on the country's political landscape. The military has been accused of influencing the media to support its preferred political candidates and of manipulating elections.

Effect on political decision making

The deterioration of democratic procedures and institutions is one of the most significant effects. Democracy has been disrupted by military interventions in politics, including the dissolution of elected assemblies and the imposition of martial law. The development of democratic institutions like the media and the judiciary has been hindered by these interventions.
Foreign policy decisions have also been impacted by military interference. Military-ruled states have frequently sought after arrangements that focus on military and vital interests over political answers for issues like the contention with India over Kashmir or the Afghan Conflict. Pakistan and other countries in the region, including the United States, lack trust and cooperation as a result.
Economic policymaking has also been impacted by military interference. Governments dominated by the military have frequently prioritized short-term gains over long-term economic planning, resulting in economic instability and a lack of investment in human development and infrastructure.
Overall, the growth of Pakistan's economy, foreign policy, and democratic institutions have all been harmed by establishment interference in politics. The country's stability has been undermined and its progress toward becoming a mature and stable democracy has been hampered by the ongoing interference.

Zia ul haq intervention in Pakistani politics


From 1978 until his death in 1988, Zia-ul-Haq, a Pakistani four-star general, was the sixth president of the country. He came to drive after a tactical upset in 1977, which ousted the public authority of Top state leader Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Zia-ul-Haq's system was set apart by tyranny and the execution of Islamic regulations, which prompted expanded traditionalism in Pakistani society.

Knowing the political way of thinking and philosophy of General Zia-ul-Haq

One of the vital parts of Zia-ul-Haq's political way of thinking was Islamization. By introducing Islamic laws and policies, establishing Islamic schools and institutes, and encouraging the use of Islamic language and symbols in public life, he aimed to make Pakistan a more Islamic nation. As part of the Islamization process, his government also implemented the Hudood Ordinances, which made certain sexual offenses illegal and imposed severe penalties.

His opposition to secularism was another important aspect of Zia-ul-Haq's political philosophy. He considered secularism to be a threat to Islamic values and culture and held the belief that Pakistan ought to be a Muslim state governed by Islamic principles. Throughout his presidency, his policies and actions were influenced by this opposition to secularism.

Authoritarianism was also a hallmark of Zia-ul-Haq's regime, with media censorship, suppression of opposition voices, and restrictions on political freedoms. He extended the powers of the military and the knowledge organizations and utilized them to keep up with his grasp on power. Additionally, Zia-ul-Haq's support for the United States in the Soviet-Afghan War was influenced by his pro-US stance during his presidency.

Following a military coup in 1977, Zia-ul-Haq suspended Pakistan's constitution and declared martial law, arguing that it was necessary to restore order and stability to the country, which had been engulfed in political and economic turmoil under the previous government. This is how General Zia Ul Haq used martial law to consolidate power.

Zia-ul-Haq's administration took a number of measures during the time of martial law to establish its authority and silence opposition, including:

Political freedom restrictions: Political leaders and activists who opposed Zia-ul-Haq's government were detained and political parties and trade unions were outlawed. Additionally, his administration restricted media freedom by enforcing stringent censorship.

Increasing the government's influence over the military: By putting military officers in important government positions and establishing military tribunals to try civilians, Zia-ul-Haq increased the military's involvement in the government.

Islamization promotion: The Hudood Ordinances, enacted by Zia-ul-Haq's government to criminalize certain sexual offenses and impose harsh penalties, were examples of Islamic policies and laws. Additionally, the administration encouraged the use of Islamic language and symbols in public settings and established Islamic schools and institutions.

Repressing religious and ethnic minorities: Zia-ul-Haq's organization stifled the privileges of ethnic and strict minorities, for example, the Baloch and Shia people group, who confronted abuse and brutality.

Powerful concentration: The presidency of Zia-ul-Haq centralized power, reducing the role of the elected parliament and limiting the independence of the judiciary.

Influence of Zia Ul Haq on Pakistani Political Parties and Elections During his rule

All political parties were outlawed, limiting their activities. He introduced a party less electoral system in the hope that it would level the playing field for all candidates and eliminate corruption. However, the military played a significant role in manipulating the results in favor of Zia-ul-Haq's allies in the 1985 elections, which were held under this system and were widely criticized for being rigged.

The decision by Zia-ul-Haq to abolish political parties and institute a system of elections without parties did not completely eliminate political competition. Instead, it led to the formation of informal political alliances and groups that operated independently of the formal political system and frequently had connections to the military or intelligence agencies. These gatherings assumed a significant part in forming the political scene during and after Zia-ul-Haq's system.

Political parties were allowed to resume their operations after Zia-ul-Haq's death, but the legacy of his regime continued to restrict their freedom of operation. The military continued to play a significant role in politics, frequently working covertly to influence election outcomes and protect its own interests.

The legacy of Zia-ul-Haq also had a significant impact on political parties' ideological orientation. Religious parties with the intention of establishing an Islamic state in Pakistan emerged as a result of his advocacy for Islamization. His repression of leftist organizations played a role in the country's decline of socialist and communist parties.

Establishment impact on popular political leaders


Nawaz Sharif

Nawaz Sharif, a previous State head of Pakistan and an unmistakable political figure in the nation, has confronted various difficulties from the foundation all through his profession. He has been disqualified from holding public office on corruption charges in 2017 and has been removed from office multiple times, including in 1993 and 1999.

Due to his disagreements with the military and intelligence agencies regarding matters such as Pakistan's relationship with India and the role of the military in civilian affairs, many of Sharif's supporters believe that the establishment orchestrated his removal from office and disqualification for political reasons.

In spite of these difficulties, Sharif has kept areas of strength for an among his allies and his party, the Pakistan Muslim Association Nawaz (PML-N), keeps on being a central part in Pakistani legislative issues.

Benazir Bhutto

Throughout her political career, Benazir Bhutto, a former Pakistani Prime Minister, was confronted with obstacles from the establishment. She was taken out from office two times by the military on charges of debasement and fumble, in 1990 and 1996. In addition, the intelligence agencies were against her leadership, and it is speculated that they were a part of her removal from office. In spite of these obstacles, Bhutto remained a well-liked political figure in Pakistan and returned to the country in 2007 to run for president. However, she was killed in a suicide attack shortly after arriving, leading many of her supporters to believe that the establishment was involved in her death and that it was politically motivated.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

Throughout his political career, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the founder of the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) and former Prime Minister of Pakistan, encountered significant obstacles from the establishment.

Bhutto was taken out from office in a tactical upset in 1977 and thusly condemned to death on charges of homicide. Many of his backers believe that the allegations were politically motivated and that his conviction was influenced by the establishment.

Bhutto's execution in 1979 prompted broad fights and brutality in the nation, and the PPP kept on being a key part in Pakistani governmental issues even after his demise. Bhutto remains a revered figure in Pakistani politics despite the challenges he faced from the establishment. He is remembered for his contributions to Pakistani democracy and nationalism.

Throughout his political career, Pakistan's current Prime Minister and former cricket star Imran Khan has encountered obstacles from the establishment.
While the tactical foundation was accepted to host upheld Khan's gathering, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), in the 2018 public decisions, his relationship with the foundation has been mind boggling. Some of Khan's detractors have accused him of being too close to the military and of being a "selected" Prime Minister, implying that the establishment selected him rather than the people.

Despite these difficulties, Khan is still a well-liked political figure in Pakistan, and his supporters have a large following. He has launched a number of initiatives aimed at enhancing the lives of ordinary Pakistanis and has centered his attention on issues such as healthcare, poverty, and corruption.

Liaquat Ali Khan
Liaquat Ali Khan, the principal Top state leader of Pakistan, confronted difficulties from the foundation during his political profession.

Notwithstanding being a nearby partner of Pakistan's pioneer, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Khan was gone against by the tactical foundation who contradicted his strategies and his endeavors to fortify regular citizen organizations.

Khan's vocation was stopped in 1951 when he was killed during a public occasion in Rawalpindi. Many people believe that the establishment was involved in his assassination, despite the fact that the specific circumstances of his death are still up for debate.

Musharraf intervention in Pakistani politics


Who was General Parvez Musharraf?

Born on August 11, 1943, Pervez Musharraf is a politician and former Pakistani military officer who was President of Pakistan from 1999 to 2008. He overthrew Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's government in 1999, leading to his rise to power. Musharraf assumed the positions of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee and Chief Executive of Pakistan.

How General Parvez Musharraf utilized Military Regulation to solidify power?

In a military coup in 1999, General Pervez Musharraf overthrew Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's democratically elected government in Pakistan. Musharraf suspended the constitution and imposed martial law in Pakistan following the coup.

Musharraf's system utilized military regulation to merge power in various ways. He restricted political party activities, restricted speech, and arrested and held political opponents without trial. The media was likewise exposed to restriction, and numerous writers were captured and bothered.

Additionally, Musharraf's regime established military courts to prosecute civilians for terrorism and national security-related offenses. This further dissolved the autonomy of the legal executive and gave the military more prominent command over the general set of laws.

Additionally, Musharraf's regime utilized economic liberalization policies to win over the middle class and business community. The economic growth and modernization of the economy were the goals of these policies.

Musharraf's influence on Pakistani political parties and elections General Pervez

Musharraf's system had a significant impact on Pakistani political parties and elections. His system restricted ideological groups' open collaboration and exercise options. Several ideological groups were banned or disbanded, and a few political pioneers were captured and imprisoned.
The Political Race Commission was reconstituted under Musharraf's rule, and new election regulations were presented. These rules made it harder for ideological groups to participate in the electoral process and increased the Political Race Commission's ability to make decisions. Musharraf's system selected candidates for races, and numerous ideological groups were prohibited from participating in decisions.

Despite these activities, Musharraf introduced one more game plan of government that leaned toward the military and the official branch over the lawful leader and the managerial branch. This framework made ideological groups even weaker and made it harder for them to challenge the military's power.

Musharraf's system also had to deal with apparatus race analysis, controlling constituent interaction, and smothering disagreement. The constituent cycle's credibility was sabotaged by these actions, and the general public's skepticism and hostility toward governmental issues and Pakistan's vote-based system grew as a result.

In general, Musharraf had a significant negative impact on Pakistani ideological groups and decisions. His system restricted ideological groups' open participation in the constituency cycle and shortened their exercises.

General Yahya Khan intervention in Pakistani politics


Yahya Khan, born as Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan on February 4, 1917, was a Pakistani military officer who served as the President of Pakistan from 1969 to 1971. He had a distinguished military career before assuming the presidency.

Yahya Khan joined the British Indian Army in 1939 and continued his service in the newly formed Pakistani Army after the partition of India in 1947. He rose through the ranks and held several key positions in the military, including the commander-in-chief of the Pakistan Army from 1966 to 1971.

How General Yahya Khan used Martial Law to consolidate power?

Yahya Khan used martial law to consolidate his power in several ways.

One way was by dissolving the provincial assemblies, suspending political parties, and banning public meetings, processions, and strikes. This allowed Yahya Khan to exercise unchecked power without any democratic oversight. Additionally, he appointed military officers to key civilian positions and ensured that the military had control over the bureaucracy and the judiciary. This gave him total control over the state machinery and allowed him to exercise his power unopposed.

Another way Yahya Khan consolidated power was by using the military to suppress dissent and opposition. He arrested and detained opposition politicians, journalists, and intellectuals, and banned newspapers and other media outlets that were critical of his regime. He also used brutal force to suppress protests and demonstrations, resulting in the torture and extra-judicial killings of many people.

Yahya Khan also manipulated the political landscape to favor his regime. He created a new political system called the Basic Democracy, which was designed to give him control over local government and to sideline established political parties. He also created a new electoral system that favored his supporters and used it to rig elections in favor of his candidates.

How Yahya Khan played a role in creation of Bangladesh?

In 1970, Yahya Khan held general elections in Pakistan, which were won by the Awami League, a political party representing the Bengali population in East Pakistan. However, Yahya Khan and the military establishment refused to recognize the results of the election, triggering a political crisis. The military government subsequently launched a crackdown against Bengali nationalists, which resulted in widespread human rights abuses, including mass killings and rape.

The Bengali nationalist movement quickly turned into an armed struggle, with a group of Bengali nationalists forming the Mukti Bahini (Liberation Army) and launching attacks against Pakistani military installations. In response, Yahya Khan ordered the military to launch a crackdown, which quickly escalated into a full-scale war.

The Pakistani military was vastly outnumbered and outgunned by the Indian-backed Bengali nationalist forces. The conflict saw some of the worst atrocities committed in modern South Asian history, with both sides accused of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity.

In December 1971, the Indian Army intervened in the conflict, and the Pakistani Army surrendered. East Pakistan subsequently became the independent country of Bangladesh, and Yahya Khan resigned as President. The war resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and the displacement of millions of Bengalis.

Yahya Khan's role in the war has been widely criticized. His government's actions led to the disintegration of Pakistan and the creation of Bangladesh. Yahya Khan's military regime is also accused of committing gross human rights abuses against the Bengali population. The war remains a deeply traumatic event in the history of Pakistan and continues to shape relations between Pakistan and Bangladesh.

The Contribution of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto on Pakistan and How He Formed Pakistan's Political Base


Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's Life and Achievements: An Examination

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, born on January 5, 1928, was a prominent Pakistani politician who left a lasting impact on the country's history as both the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan. Bhutto played a significant role in shaping Pakistan's political landscape and his accomplishments are widely recognized.

Coming from a politically influential family, Bhutto received his education from prestigious institutions such as the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Oxford. He entered politics in the 1950s, initially serving under Prime Minister Muhammad Ali Bogra. Bhutto quickly climbed the ranks and held various ministerial positions, including Minister of Commerce and Minister of Foreign Affairs.

In 1967, Bhutto founded the Pakistan People's Party (PPP), which gained popularity by advocating for social justice, democracy, and pro-poor policies. His charismatic leadership and powerful oratory skills attracted a broad support base, particularly among the working class and rural population.

Bhutto's most notable achievement came in 1971 when he became the President and Chief Martial Law Administrator of Pakistan. Faced with the aftermath of the civil war and the secession of East Pakistan, he focused on rebuilding the nation and improving foreign relations. Bhutto implemented a policy of "Islamic Socialism" aimed at reducing socio-economic disparities. He introduced land reforms, nationalized key industries, and initiated measures to empower marginalized segments of society.

On the international stage, Bhutto played a significant role in promoting Muslim unity within Pakistan and on a global scale. He advocated for the rights of the Muslim world, particularly during the conferences of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). Bhutto also took a strong stance against India's nuclear weapons program and played a crucial role in initiating Pakistan's own nuclear program.

How His Administration Influenced Pakistani National Relations?

Here are some keyways in which Bhutto's tenure influenced political interactions in Pakistan:

  1. Promotion of Populist Politics: Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party (PPP) adopted a populist platform, emphasizing social justice and pro-poor policies. This approach appealed to the working class and rural population, mobilizing a strong grassroots movement. Bhutto's charismatic leadership and populist agenda transformed political discourse and increased public participation in politics.

  2. Democratization and Civilian Governance: Bhutto's rise to power marked a transition from military rule to civilian governance in Pakistan. His presidency and subsequent prime minister ship were instrumental in establishing and consolidating a democratic system in the country. Bhutto implemented constitutional reforms that empowered the parliament and strengthened democratic institutions. His emphasis on popular participation and civil liberties laid the foundation for a more inclusive political system.

  3. Concentration of Executive Power: While Bhutto aimed to strengthen democracy, his tenure also saw a concentration of power in the executive branch. He introduced constitutional amendments that expanded the authority of the presidency and the prime minister's office. This centralization of power drew criticism and raised concerns about the potential for authoritarian tendencies.

  4. Socioeconomic Reforms: Bhutto's policies included ambitious land reforms aimed at redistributing agricultural land to landless farmers. He also pursued nationalization, bringing major industries and banks under state control. These measures aimed to address socioeconomic inequalities and reduce the concentration of wealth and power. However, they faced resistance from vested interests and triggered political and economic challenges.

  5. Assertive Foreign Policy: Bhutto pursued an assertive foreign policy, particularly in relation to India. He sought to raise Pakistan's global stature and championed the cause of Muslim unity. Bhutto played a key role in establishing the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and advocated for the rights of Muslim nations. His assertiveness and nationalist stance in foreign policy influenced domestic politics and rallied support among nationalist factions.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's dismissal and the effect it had on the country's democratization

The resignation of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto had a profound impact on the establishment of democracy in Pakistan. It marked the first peaceful transition of power from an elected civilian government to a military administration. General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq took control through a military coup and declared martial law, initiating a prolonged period of military rule in the country.

Under Zia-ul-Haq's military regime, which lasted until 1988, political dissent was suppressed, civil liberties were curtailed, and the democratic process was significantly constrained. Political parties were weakened, and the military retained a dominant role in governance.

However, Bhutto's resignation also ignited a spirit of resilience and determination among political activists and proponents of democracy. It fueled a movement for the restoration of civilian rule, which gained momentum in the late 1980s.

How Pakistani establishment has controlled and looted Pakistan for 75 years?

    Pakistani Establishment history and their role in looting and controlling the country Since Pakistan's freedom in 1947, the foundati...